#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################ # E-Blah Bulletin Board Systems 2008 # ############################################################ # Software Version : E-Blah Setup -- Version 4 # # Setup Project : May 2005 by Justin # # Distrobuted by : http://www.eblah.com # # License : http://www.eblah.com/license.php # ############################################################ # Copyright (c) 2005 - 2008 E-Blah # ############################################################ # Global version information: $versionnum = '10.3.6'; # For the upgrade ... $eblahsetupv = $coreversion = 2; $version = 'E-Blah '.$versionnum; $scriptname = 'Setup.pl'; $blahname = 'Blah.pl'; $interals = 'Setup100.5'; # Keep things over 100 (generally sub-ver + 1) $members{'Administrator',$username} = 1; use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser'; use Fcntl ':flock'; { UFS(); $copyright = qq~Copyright © 2001-2008 E-Blah.~; InstallConfig() if(!SetupLoad('./Settings.pl',1) || !SetupLoad("$code/QuickCore.pl",1)); $languagep = "English"; $language = "$languages/$languagep"; open(FILE,"$prefs/Version.txt"); $oldversionnum = ; close(FILE); # Upgrade lock clear ... if(!-e("$messages/Mail/database.mail")) { unlink("$prefs/Setup.lock"); } # This forum will be upgraded to P9.2 if(-e("$prefs/$interals.lock") && $URL{'step'} ne '3') { inst_error("This forum has already been installed, please remove the $scriptname file from your server."); } elsif($URL{'step'} eq '3') { Step3(); } if($URL{'a'} && $URL{'step'} eq '1') { Step1U(); } elsif($URL{'step'} eq '1') { Step1(); } elsif($URL{'step'} eq '2') { Step2(); } else { Welcome(); } } sub InstallConfig { $tempreturn =~ s/, \Z//g; header('Configuration Error'); print <<"EOT";
Configuration Issues ...
Setup has determined that you must manually edit the paths to Settings.pl or other core files. If you need help, contact E-Blah technical support.

The following may help you figure out what your paths are:
Document Root: $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}
Script name: $0
File(s) Not Loaded: $tempreturn
Reason for failure: $!
EOT footer(); } sub SetupLoad { eval { require($_[0]) }; if($@) { if($_[1]) { $tempreturn .= $_[0].', '; return(0); } inst_error(qq~Fatal Error in loading: $_[0]

$@~); } else { return(1); } } sub UFS { my($query); @url = split(/\//,$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); foreach (@url) { ($action,$actiondo) = split(/-/,$_); $URL{$action} = $actiondo; } read(STDIN, my $temp, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); @pairs = split(/&/,$temp); foreach (@pairs) { ($key,$content) = split(/=/,$_); $content =~ tr/+/ /; $content =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge; $key =~ tr/+/ /; $key =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge; chomp($content); $FORM{$key} = $content; } } sub inst_error { header('Fatal Error'); print <<"EOT";
There was an error installing or upgrading your forum ...
EOT footer(); } # This isn't needed, but is called by Themes.pl when loaded sub CoreLoad { 1; } sub Welcome { header('Welcome'); print <<"EOT";
Welcome to the E-Blah Install / Upgrade Script
Welcome to E-Blah 10 Setup. We are very pleased that you have chosen E-Blah as your forum software, and hope that you will enjoy it for years to come!

This script will install or upgrade your forum to the latest version of E-Blah. If you are new to E-Blah, this script will help you with your first time installation. If you are upgrading from an older version of E-Blah, you will enjoy how easy this upgrade will be. If you are using a version of E-Blah prior to Platinum 8.x, please click here. This installation should only take a few minutes of your time, and you will then be able to configuring your forum and then on your way to creating a community!

Before you continue, please make sure you have read the pre-installation instructions carefully. It should be found in the main package under the filename of Readme.html.
E-Blah 10 Release Notes
XHTML Validation   E-Blah is now supporting the XHTML 1.1 Strict web standard. If you are upgrading, there are additional CSS properties you will need to add to your main template. More information on this can be found in the documentation.

Akismet Spam Protection   Your forum can now be protected from unwanted spam with Akismet. To use this, you must enable it in the Administrator Center, under Settings.

Portal   The portal has been rewritten for the most part. Your previous Portal Setup will be removed once you upgrade. You will need to readd the modules you were using after the upgrade is completed.

CAPTCHA   E-Blah can now tell if a user trying to register is human or not. For information as to how to use this, read this thread.
Before Continuing
Please be sure you have uploaded all files in the documentation before continuing (Code and Languages, for example). If you do not, you may have issues upgrading or installing E-Blah.
Setup Options
EOT if(-e("$prefs/Ranks.txt") || -e("$prefs/Ranks2.txt")) { print qq~Upgrade your Forum to $version >>~; } else { print qq~Install a New Forum >>~; } print <<"EOT";
EOT footer(); } sub is_admin { return(1); } sub ConvertEnd { header('Convert Files'); print <<"EOT";
Current Forum Conversion Status ...
Please wait ...
Your forum is being upgraded, this could take a few minutes ...

EOT footer(); exit; } sub Step1U { $level = $URL{'level'}; if($level eq '') { ConvertEnd(); } # To be safe, we're going to chmod the current directories so that no problems come up. chmod 0777, $prefs,$boards,$members,$messages,$boards,$uploaddir,$templates; chmod 0666, "$root/Settings.pl"; $converted = ''; { # The braces just help in formatting ... print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; if(!$oldversionnum) { # New versions will actual be better for these upgrades! if($level == 1) { if(!-e("$prefs/Ranks2.txt")) { PrePlatinumNine(); } if(!-e("$messages/Mail/database.mail")) { MailDatabaseUpgrade(); } if($converted eq '') { exit; } # Already Converted ... else { print $converted; exit; } } if($level == 2) { if(!-e("$prefs/Setup95.lock")) { MemberUpgrade(); # Shouldn't matter if it runs over and over NewPermissions(); } if($converted eq '') { exit; } # Already Converted ... else { print $converted; exit; } } if($level == 3) { if(!-e("$prefs/Events2.txt")) { CalendarUpgrade(); } if(!-e("$members/MaxMember.count")) { RebuildAllMembers(); } if($converted eq '') { exit; } # Already Converted ... else { print $converted; exit; } } } elsif($level < 4) { exit; } # Already converted ... if($level == 4) { if($oldversionnum < 9.81) { RebuildMemberDatabase(); } if($oldversionnum <= 9.82) { RebuildMessageDatabase(); } if($oldversionnum < 9.84) { CreateMessageIcons(); } if($converted eq '') { exit; } else { print $converted; exit; } } if($level == 5) { # Run this always to ensure that it is valid ... NEVER REMOVE THIS!!!!! RebuildMemList(); # For good measure, let's also rebuild the boards database .... $URL{'p'} = 'setup'; $URL{'a'} = 'remove'; # We need it to return ... Repop(); print "
  • Rebuilt member list ...
  • "; CloseSetup(); print "
  • Closed setup file ...
  • "; exit; } } sub CreateMessageIcons { $tempwrite = <<"EOT"; |lamp.png|Lamp |question.png|Question |news.png|News |thumbup.png|Thumb Up |thumbdown.png|Thumb Down |ban.png|X |smiley.png|Smiley |angry.png|Angry |lol.png|Laughing Out Loud |open_thread.png|Folder |warning.png|Warning EOT fopen(FILE,">$prefs/MessageIcons.txt"); print FILE $tempwrite; fclose(FILE); fopen(FILE,"$boards/bdindex.db"); @boardbase = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @boardbase; foreach $board (@boardbase) { ($open) = split("/",$board); fopen(MESS,"$boards/$open.msg"); @messages = ; fclose(MESS); chomp @messages; $newdata = ''; foreach $messagedb (@messages) { ($t1,$t2,$t3,$t4,$t5,$t6,$t7,$t8,$t9,$t10) = split(/\|/,$messagedb); $newdata .= "$t1|$t2|$t3|$t4|$t5|$t6|$t7|$t8.png|$t9|$t10\n"; } fopen(MESS,">$boards/$open.msg"); print MESS $newdata; fclose(MESS); } $converted .= "
  • Created Message Icons Database (9.84) ...
  • "; $converted .= "
  • Converted Message Icons (9.84) ...
  • "; } sub RebuildMessageDatabase { my(@boardbase,$t,$id,$boardid); fopen(FILE,"$boards/bdindex.db"); @boardbase = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @boardbase; foreach(@boardbase) { ($boardid) = split("/",$_); fopen(FILE,"$boards/$boardid.msg"); while($t = ) { chomp $t; ($id) = split(/\|/,$t); $mdatabase .= "$id|$_\n"; } fclose(FILE); } fopen(FILE,">$boards/Messages.db"); print FILE $mdatabase; fclose(FILE); $converted .= "
  • Created message database (9.82) ...
  • "; } sub RebuildMemberDatabase { my(@printdata,$item,$itemvalue,%addtoID,@printuser); RebuildMemListPreP981(); # Sync ... fopen(LIST,"$members/List.txt"); while($list = ) { chomp $list; fopen(DATA,"$members/$list.dat"); @printdata = ; fclose(DATA); chomp @printdata; @printuser = (); %addtoID = (); %addtoID = ( 'password' => $printdata[0], 'sn' => $printdata[1], 'email' => $printdata[2], 'posts' => $printdata[3], 'admintxt' => $printdata[4], 'avatar' => $printdata[5], 'personaltxt' => $printdata[6], 'sex' => $printdata[7], 'icq' => $printdata[8], 'aim' => $printdata[9], 'msn' => $printdata[10], 'sig' => $printdata[11], 'hidemail' => $printdata[12], 'registered' => $printdata[14], 'timezone' => $printdata[15], 'dob' => $printdata[16], 'dateformat' => $printdata[17], 'hideonline' => $printdata[18], 'sitename' => $printdata[19], 'siteurl' => $printdata[20], 'location' => $printdata[21], 'timeformat' => $printdata[22], 'status' => $printdata[23], 'validation' => $printdata[24], 'ml' => $printdata[25], 'theme' => $printdata[26], 'yim' => $printdata[27], 'lastactive' => $printdata[28], 'hidesum' => $printdata[29], 'notify' => $printdata[30], 'dst' => $printdata[31], 'avatarupload' => $printdata[32], 'shownewonly' => $printdata[33], 'lng' => $printdata[34], 'avatarsize' => $printdata[35], 'showsig' => $printdata[36], 'ownavatar' => $printdata[37], 'pmdisable' => $printdata[38], 'censor' => $printdata[39], 'blockedusers' => $printdata[40], 'pmpopup' => $printdata[41], 'rank' => $printdata[42], 'rep' => $printdata[43], 'forgotpass' => $printdata[44], 'rndsid' => $printdata[45], 'md5upgrade' => $printdata[46] ); while(($item,$itemvalue) = each(%addtoID)) { if($itemvalue eq '') { next; } push(@printuser,"$item = |$itemvalue|"); } fopen(FILE,">$members/$list.dat"); foreach(@printuser) { print FILE "$_\n"; } fclose(FILE); } fclose(LIST); $converted .= "
  • Rebuilt member database (9.81) ...
  • "; unlink("$root/Settings_Default.pl"); } sub RebuildAllMembers { RebuildMemListPreP981(); # Make sure this is in sync before we destroy the old database ... $counter = 0; fopen(FILE,"$members/List2.txt"); @templist = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @templist; foreach(@templist) { ($t1,$t2,$t3,$t4,$t5,$t6,$t7) = split(/\|/,$_); ++$counter; while(-e("$members/$counter.dat")) { # ... lame ... ++$counter; } $username{$t1} = $counter; rename("$members/$t1.dat" ,"$members/$counter.dat"); rename("$members/$t1.vlog" ,"$members/$counter.vlog"); rename("$members/$t1.lo" ,"$members/$counter.lo"); rename("$members/$t1.log" ,"$members/$counter.log"); rename("$members/$t1.pm" ,"$members/$counter.pm"); rename("$members/$t1.prefs","$members/$counter.prefs"); rename("$members/$t1.msg" ,"$members/$counter.msg"); rename("$members/$t1.cal" ,"$members/$counter.cal"); # We rebuild the member list at the end, so that's not needed really ... } foreach(@templist) { ($t1) = split(/\|/,$_); if(-e("$members/$username{$t1}.pm")) { fopen(FILE,"$members/$username{$t1}.pm"); @pms = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @pms; fopen(FILE2,">$members/$username{$t1}.pm"); foreach $pms (@pms) { ($t1,$t2,$t3,$t4,$t5,$t6,$t7,$t8,$t9,$t10,$t11) = split(/\|/,$pms); if($username{$t4} ne '') { $t4 = $username{$t4}; } print FILE2 "$t1|$t2|$t3|$t4|$t5|$t6|$t7|$t8|$t9|$t10|$t11\n"; } fclose(FILE2); } if(-e("$members/$username{$t1}.vlog")) { # Vote logs ... fopen(FILE,"$members/$username{$t1}.vlog"); @vlog = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @vlog; fopen(FILE2,">$members/$username{$t1}.vlog"); foreach $vlogs (@vlog) { ($t1,$t2,$t3,$t4) = split(/\|/,$vlogs); if($username{$t1} ne '') { $t1 = $username{$t1}; } print FILE2 "$t1|$t2|$t3|$t4\n"; } fclose(FILE2); } } fopen(FILE,">$members/MaxMember.count"); print FILE "$counter\n"; fclose(FILE); # This will be a pain ... open all boards and messages and change usernames ... :X fopen(FILE,"$boards/bdindex.db"); @boardbase = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @boardbase; foreach $board (@boardbase) { # Moderators aren't used as much, so we won't search for them ($open) = split("/",$board); fopen(MAIL,"$boards/$open.mail"); @mail = ; fclose(MAIL); chomp @mail; fopen(MAIL,">$boards/$open.mail"); foreach(@mail) { print MAIL "$username{$_}\n"; } fclose(FILE); fopen(MESS,"$boards/$open.msg"); @messages = ; fclose(MESS); chomp @messages; @openms = (); # Clear the old message db foreach $messagedb (@messages) { ($t1,$t2,$t3,$t4,$t5,$t6,$t7,$t8,$t9,$t10) = split(/\|/,$messagedb); fopen(FILE,"$messages/$t1.txt"); @message = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @message; fopen(FILE,">$messages/$t1.txt"); foreach $messagefile (@message) { ($p1,$p2,$p3,$p4,$p5,$p6,$p7,$p8,$p9,$p10,$p11) = split(/\|/,$messagefile); if($username{$p1} ne '') { $p1 = $username{$p1}; } if($p11 ne '') { $p12 = ''; foreach $edits (split(">",$p11)) { ($c1,$c2,$c3) = split('/',$edits); if($username{$c2} ne '') { $c2 = $username{$c2}; } $p12 .= "$c1/$c2/$c3>"; } } print FILE "$p1|$p2|$p3|$p4|$p5|$p6|$p7|$p8|$p9|$p10|$p12\n"; } fclose(FILE); if($username{$t3} ne '') { $t3 = $username{$t3}; } if($username{$t10} ne '') { $t10 = $username{$t10}; } if(-e("$messages/$t1.polled")) { fopen(XYZ,"$messages/$t1.polled"); @polled = ; fclose(XYZ); chomp @polled; fopen(XYZ,"$messages/$t1.polled"); foreach $pdata (@polled) { ($oldies,$timer) = split(/\|/,$pdata); if($username{$oldies} ne '') { $oldies = $username{$oldies}; } print XYZ "$oldies|$timer\n"; } fclose(XYZ); } push(@openms,"$t1|$t2|$t3|$t4|$t5|$t6|$t7|$t8|$t9|$t10"); } # The huge DB ... written ... fopen(MESS,">$boards/$open.msg"); foreach(@openms) { print MESS "$_\n"; } fclose(MESS); } fopen(FILE,"$prefs/Ranks2.txt"); @ranks = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @ranks; fopen(RANKS,">$prefs/Ranks2.txt"); foreach $data (@ranks) { if($data =~ /(.+?) = \((.+?)\)/) { $thespec = $1; $spl = ''; foreach $split (split(",",$2)) { # It's only a shadow! It's only a shadow! if($username{$split} ne '') { $split = $username{$split}; } $spl .= "$split,"; } $spl =~ s/,\Z//g; print RANKS "$thespec = ($spl)\n"; } else { print RANKS "$data\n"; } } fclose(RANKS); fopen(FILE,"$prefs/Events2.txt"); @events = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @events; fopen(FILE2,">$prefs/Events2.txt"); foreach $theevents (@events) { ($t1,$t2,$t3,$t4,$t5,$t6,$t7,$t8,$t9,$t10,$t11) = split(/\|/,$theevents); if($username{$t1} ne '') { $t1 = $username{$t1}; } print FILE2 "$t1|$t2|$t3|$t4|$t5|$t6|$t7|$t8|$t9|$t10|$t11\n"; } fclose(FILE2); fopen(FILE,"$prefs/AdminLog.txt"); @adminlog = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @adminlog; fopen(FILE2,">$prefs/AdminLog.txt"); foreach $adminlog (@adminlog) { ($t1,$t2,$t3) = split(/\|/,$adminlog); if($username{$t2} ne '') { $t2 = $username{$t2}; } print FILE2 "$t1|$t2|$t3\n"; } fclose(FILE2); fopen(FILE,"$prefs/Moderator.log"); @modlog = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @modlog; fopen(FILE2,">$prefs/Moderator.log"); foreach $modlog (@modlog) { ($t1,$t2,$t3,$t4,$t5,$t6,$t7,$t8) = split(/\|/,$modlog); if($username{$t2} ne '') { $t2 = $username{$t2}; } print FILE2 "$t1|$t2|$t3|$t4|$t5|$t6|$t7|$t8\n"; } fclose(FILE2); # Files NOT converted: IpLog.txt, Moderators List, PM's $converted .= "
  • Rebuilt member database (9.8) ...
  • "; } sub loaduserOLD { my($user) = $_[0]; # DO NOT ADD LOADUSER TO MY STATEMENT! my $i = 0; fopen(LOADUSER,"$members/$user.dat") || return(0); while($luserdata = ) { chomp $luserdata; $userset{$user}->[$i] = $luserdata; ++$i; } fclose(LOADUSER); } sub RebuildMemListPreP981 { my($memlistc,$memcnt,$lucnt,$luser,$memlistc2); opendir(DIR,"$members/"); @list = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); $memcnt = 0; foreach(sort {$a <=> $b} @list) { if($_ =~ s/.dat\Z//) { loaduserOLD($_); if($userset{$_}->[14] > $lucnt) { $luser = $_; $lucnt = $userset{$_}->[14]; } if($userset{$_}->[1]) { ++$memcnt; $memlistc .= "$_\n"; $memlistc2 .= "$_|$userset{$_}->[1]|$userset{$_}->[3]|$userset{$_}->[14]|$userset{$_}->[16]|$userset{$_}->[2]|$userset{$_}->[43]\n"; } } } fopen(LIST,"+>$members/List.txt"); print LIST "$memlistc"; fclose(LIST); fopen(LIST,"+>$members/List2.txt"); print LIST "$memlistc2"; fclose(LIST); fopen(FILE,"+>$members/LastMem.txt"); print FILE "$luser\n$memcnt"; fclose(FILE); $converted .= "
  • Rebuilt the OLD members database ($versionnum) ...
  • "; } sub RebuildMemList { $URL{'v'} = 'memberpanel'; require("$code/Admin1.pl"); require("$code/Load.pl"); Remem(); $converted .= "
  • Rebuilt the members list ($versionnum) ...
  • "; } sub CalendarUpgrade { fopen(FILE,"$prefs/Events.txt"); @files = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @files; fopen(FILE,">$prefs/Events2.txt"); foreach(@files) { ($id,$start,$title,$desc,$owner,$spandays,$spancolor) = split(/\|/,$_); if($spandays > 1) { $end = $start+($spandays*86400); } else { $end = ''; } if($owner eq '') { $owner = 'admin'; } print FILE "$owner|guest,validating,member|$id|$start|$end|||$spancolor|$title|$desc|/\n"; } fclose(FILE); $converted = "
  • Converted calendar events to new events format (9.8) ...
  • "; } # New Permissions Setup ........... (needs finishing) <-- no wonder it never worked fully ... *sigh* sub NewPermissions { fopen(FILE,"$boards/bdindex.db"); @file = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @file; $newfile = ''; foreach(@file) { $mgroups = ''; ($t1,$t2,$t3,$t4,$t5,$t6,$t7,$t8,$t9,$t10,$mgroups2,$t12,$t13,$t14,$t15) = split('/',$_); if($t5 eq '') { $t5 = 'guest,validating,member'; } if($t6 eq '') { $t6 = 'guest,validating,member'; } if(!$t7) { $t7 = 'guest,validating,member'; } else { $t7 = ''; } if(!$t13) { $t13 = 'guest,validating,member'; } else { $t13 = ''; } if($mgroups2 eq '') { $mgroups2 = 'guest,validating,member'; } $mgroups =~ s/,\Z//g; $newfile .= "$t1/$t2/$t3/$t4/$t5/$t6/$t7/$t8/$t9/$t10/$mgroups2/$t12/$t13/$t14/$t15/guest,validating,member\n"; } fopen(FILE,">$boards/bdindex.db"); print FILE $newfile; fclose(FILE); fopen(FILE,"$boards/bdscats.db"); @file = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @file; $newfile = ''; foreach(@file) { $mgroups = ''; ($t1,$t2,$mgroups2,$t4,$t5,$t6) = split(/\|/,$_); if($mgroups2 eq '') { $mgroups2 = 'guest,validating,member'; } $newfile .= "$t1|$t2|$mgroups2|$t4|$t5|$t6\n"; } fopen(FILE,">$boards/bdscats.db"); print FILE $newfile; fclose(FILE); $converted .= "
  • Rebuilt permissions (9.5) ...
  • "; } sub MemberUpgrade { # P9.3/5 Updates fopen(FILE,"$members/List.txt"); @memlist = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @memlist; foreach $memname (@memlist) { if($memname =~ /-/) { $memname1 = $memname; $memname =~ s/-/_/g; if(-e("$members/$memname.dat")) { $memname .= time; } rename("$members/$memname1.dat","$members/$memname.dat"); rename("$members/$memname1.vlog","$members/$memname.vlog"); rename("$members/$memname1.lo","$members/$memname.lo"); rename("$members/$memname1.log","$members/$memname.log"); rename("$members/$memname1.pm","$members/$memname.pm"); rename("$members/$memname1.prefs","$members/$memname.prefs"); rename("$members/$memname1.msg","$members/$memname.msg"); } } $converted .= "
  • Restructured the members list (9.5) ...
  • "; } sub MailDatabaseUpgrade { # P9.2 Updates opendir(DIR,"$messages/Mail/"); while($show = readdir(DIR)) { if($show =~ /\.mail/) { push(@messages,$show); } } closedir(DIR); fopen(DB,">$messages/Mail/database.mail"); foreach(@messages) { fopen(FILE,"$messages/Mail/$_"); @file = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @file; $strang = ''; foreach $junks (@file) { $strang .= "$junks,"; } unlink("$messages/Mail/$_"); $crao = $_; $crao =~ s/\.mail\Z//g; $strang =~ s/,\Z//g; if($strang eq '') { next; } print DB "$crao|$strang\n"; } fclose(DB); $converted .= "
  • Rebuilt the mail database (9.2) ...
  • "; } # Pre-P9 upgrades sub PrePlatinumNine { # This ONLY checks for this file, may cause issues with alpha upgraders ... haha ... use File::Copy; if(!-e("$prefs/ThemesList.txt")) { mkdir("$templates/convert",0777); fopen(FILE,">$templates/convert/theme.dat"); print FILE "name = 'Converted Theme'"; fclose(FILE); copy("$templates/template.html","$templates/convert/template.html"); copy("$templates/template.css","$templates/convert/template.css"); copy("$templates/admintemplate.css","$templates/convert/admintemplate.css"); copy("$templates/Smilies.html","$templates/convert/Smilies.html"); } if(!-e("$messages/Mail")) { mkdir("$messages/Mail/",0777); opendir(DIR,"$messages"); while($show = readdir(DIR)) { if($show =~ /\.mail/) { copy("$messages/$_","$messages/Mail/$_"); } } closedir(DIR); opendir(DIR,"$messages/Mail/"); while($show = readdir(DIR)) { if($show =~ /\.mail/) { push(@messages,$show); } } closedir(DIR); fopen(DB,">$messages/Mail/database.mail"); foreach(@messages) { fopen(FILE,"$messages/Mail/$_"); @file = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @file; $strang = ''; foreach $junks (@file) { $strang .= "$junks,"; } unlink("$messages/Mail/$_"); $crao = $_; $crao =~ s/\.mail\Z//g; $strang =~ s/,\Z//g; if($strang eq '') { next; } print DB "$crao|$strang\n"; } fclose(DB); } if(!-e("$prefs/Ranks2.txt")) { $converted .= "
  • Converted Member Group permissions to version 2 (Ranks.txt file deleted) ...
  • "; $converted .= "
  • Cleaned up previous member group settings from member files ...
  • "; fopen(FILE,"$prefs/Ranks.txt") || inst_error("Could not find the old member group permissions! This forum may have already been upgraded, or has not yet been installed."); @ranks = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @ranks; foreach(@ranks) { ($name,$reparse) = split(/\|/,$_); ($t,$t,$t,$t,$t,$t,$t,$t,$t,$admin) = split(',',$reparse); $admingrp{$name} = $admin; } $counter = 0; fopen(FILE,"$members/List.txt"); @list = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @list; foreach $open (@list) { fopen(FILE2,"$members/$open.dat"); @trash = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @trash; fopen(FILE2,">$members/$open.dat"); foreach(@trash) { ++$counter; if($counter == 5) { # Clear the old member group ;) if($admingrp{$_}) { $grp = 'Administrator'; } else { $grp = $_; } $members{$_} .= "$open,"; print FILE2 "\n"; next; } print FILE2 "$_\n"; } fclose(FILE2); $counter = 0; } $count2 = 0; foreach(@ranks) { ++$counter; ($name,$reparse) = split(/\|/,$_); if($counter == 1) { ($color,$star,$starcount) = split(',',$reparse); $members{'Administrator'} =~ s/,\Z//g; $newfile = <<"EOT"; Administrator => { name = '$name' star = '$star' starcount = '$starcount' team = '1' color = '$color' level = '1' manager = ($members{'Administrator'}) members = ($members{'Administrator'}) }\n EOT $newgroup{'Administrator'} = 'Administrator'; } elsif($counter == 7) { ($team,$star,$starcount) = split(',',$reparse); $newfile .= <<"EOT"; Moderators => { name = '$name' star = '$star' starcount = '$starcount' team = '$team' level = '1' }\n EOT } else { ($ip,$mod,$st,$m,$pro,$star,$team,$color,$cal,$admin,$count,$starcount) = split(',',$reparse); ++$count2; if($count eq '' && $counter < 7) { next; } # These groups were disabled. $newfile .= "$count2 => {\n"; $name2 = $name; $name =~ s/\'/’/g; $newfile .= "name = '$name'\n"; $newfile .= $color ? "color = '$color'\n" : ''; $newfile .= $team ? "team = '$team'\n" : ''; $newfile .= $star ? "star = '$star'\n" : ''; $newfile .= $starcount ? "starcount = '$starcount'\n" : ''; $newfile .= $count ? "pcount = '$count'\n" : ''; # Permissions if($counter > 7) { $newgroup{$name} = $count2; $newfile .= $ip ? "ip = '$ip'\n" : ''; $newfile .= $mod ? "moderate = '$mod'\n" : ''; $newfile .= $st ? "sticky = '$st'\n" : ''; $newfile .= $m ? "modify = '$m'\n" : ''; $newfile .= $pro ? "profile = '$pro'\n" : ''; $newfile .= $cal ? "cal = '$cal'\n" : ''; } # Finish group setup with members allowed if($count eq '') { $newfile .= "level = '1'\n"; $members{$name2} =~ s/,\Z//g; $newfile .= "manager = ()\n"; $newfile .= "members = ($members{$name2})\n"; } $newfile .= "}\n\n"; } } fopen(FILE,">$prefs/Ranks2.txt"); print FILE $newfile; fclose(FILE); fopen(FILE,"$boards/bdindex.db"); @file = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @file; $newfile = ''; foreach(@file) { $mgroups = ''; ($t1,$t2,$t3,$t4,$t5,$t6,$t7,$t8,$t9,$t10,$mgroups2,$t12,$t13,$t14) = split('/',$_); foreach(split(',',$mgroups2)) { $mgroups .= "$newgroup{$_},"; } $mgroups =~ s/,\Z//g; $newfile .= "$t1/$t2/$t3/$t4///$t7/$t8/$t9/$t10/$mgroups/$t12/$t13/$t14\n"; } fopen(FILE,">$boards/bdindex.db"); print FILE $newfile; fclose(FILE); fopen(FILE,"$boards/bdscats.db"); @file = ; fclose(FILE); chomp @file; $newfile = ''; foreach(@file) { $mgroups = ''; ($t1,$t2,$mgroups2,$t4,$t5,$t6) = split(/\|/,$_); foreach(split(',',$mgroups2)) { $mgroups .= "$newgroup{$_},"; } $mgroups =~ s/,\Z//g; $newfile .= "$t1|$t2|$mgroups|$t4|$t5|$t6\n"; } fopen(FILE,">$boards/bdscats.db"); print FILE $newfile; fclose(FILE); unlink("$prefs/Ranks.txt"); $converted .= "
  • Boards Database rebuilt ...
  • "; } # Search for converted theme(s) require("$code/Themes.pl"); ThemeResearch(); $converted .= "
  • Convert old default template to new format ...
  • "; } } sub CloseSetup { # Be smart: close this install ... =) open(FILE,">$prefs/Version.txt"); print FILE "$versionnum"; close(FILE); } sub Step1 { $nodir .= "
  • Prefs Currently set to: $prefs
  • " if(!-e("$prefs")); $nodir .= "
  • Messages Currently set to: $messages
  • " if(!-e("$messages")); $nodir .= "
  • Members Currently set to: $members
  • " if(!-e("$members")); $nodir .= "
  • Boards Currently set to: $boards
  • " if(!-e("$boards")); $nodir .= "
  • Languages Currently set to: $languages
  • " if(!-e("$languages")); $nodir .= "
  • Avatars Currently set to: $avdir
  • " if(!-e("$avdir")); $nodir .= "
  • uploads Currently set to: $uploaddir
  • " if(!-e("$uploaddir")); $nodir .= "
  • template Currently set to: $templates
  • " if(!-e("$templates")); if($nodir) { $nodir =~ s/, \Z//g; $nodir = <<"EOT";
    Your forum may not work properly if you continue. Setup recommends editing the path to directories in Settings.pl and then refreshing this page until this message disappears. There was a problem verifying that the following directories exist:
    The following may help you figure out what your paths are:
    Document Root: $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}
    Script name: $0
    Please note that not all server report the above information correctly.

    For the quickest support on the E-Blah Support Forum, PLEASE copy and past everything in this red box.
    EOT $fataldie = qq~Your install may not work or complete correctly (see error above).

    ~; } else { $nodir = <<"EOT";
    Directory Success!
    Setup has verified that all the directories appear to exist on the server (they may not be writeable though). Setup will attempt to chmod these directories before continuing (to make them writeable). However, it is recommended that you chmod the directories and files as shown in the install documentation before continuing. Again, setup will attempt to chmod these directories for you; however, there is no guarantee that it will work.
    EOT } if(-e("$prefs/Ranks.txt")) { inst_error('This forum needs to be upgraded, not installed.'); } if(-e("$prefs/Ranks2.txt")) { inst_error('This forum appears to have already been installed.'); } $path = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'}; $path =~ s/(Setup.pl|Setup.cgi)//g; header('Administrator Information'); print <<"EOT";
    Administrator Information
    Setup needs the following information before it can continue ...
    Basic Forum Information
    Forum Name:
    Forum Cookie Prefix:
    Full URL (DIR) Path to Blah.pl:
    This is the best guess and may not be correct! Look over this path and correct it if need be.
    Basic Administrator Account
    Administrator screen name:
    Please note that you can use ONLY the screen name you enter here to login to the forums after setup has been completed.
    Password (confirm):
    The default password is admin. DO NOT keep this the default. You can change this after the forum has been installed.
    Administrator e-mail address:
    Default Forum Theme
    Please select the theme you would like to use on your forum. The theme can be changed to another one or modified after E-Blah has been installed. You can also find more themes at BlahDocs.com.

    After you click "Save and Finish Install", E-Blah will be installed and files will be copied onto your server by this Setup script. Please only click the button once. The setup will only take a second, after which you will be able to access your forum.

    Technical Support
    If you have any problems or questions about installing E-Blah and would like assistance, please go to the E-Blah Technical Support Forums.
    EOT footer(); } sub Step2 { if(-e("$prefs/Ranks.txt")) { inst_error('This forum needs to be upgraded, not installed.'); } if(-e("$prefs/Ranks2.txt")) { inst_error('This forum appears to have already been installed.'); } inst_error("Invalid information in form submitted") if($FORM{'screenname'} !~ /\A[0-9A-Za-z%+,-\.@†^_  ]+\Z/ || $FORM{'screenname'} eq '' || length($FORM{'screenname'}) > 30); inst_error("Invalid information in form submitted") if($FORM{'pw'} eq '' || length($FORM{'pw'}) > 8); inst_error("Invalid information in form submitted") if($FORM{'cpw'} eq ''); inst_error("Invalid information in form submitted") if($FORM{'email'} eq '' || length($FORM{'email'}) > 60 || $FORM{'email'} !~ /\A([0-9A-Za-z\._\-]{1,})@([0-9A-Za-z\._\-]{1,})+\.([0-9A-Za-z\._\-]{1,})+\Z/); inst_error("Invalid information in form submitted") if($FORM{'cpw'} ne $FORM{'pw'}); $email = lc($FORM{'email'}); @prefslist = ('.htaccess','Active.txt','AdminLog.txt','Attachments.txt','BMail.txt','Censor.txt','ClickLog.txt','Events.txt','IpLog.txt','ips.txt','MaxLog.txt','News.html','News.txt','Ranks2.txt','Refer.txt','ReportPM.txt','RTemp.txt','smiley.txt','Smilies.html','ThemesList.txt','MessageIcons.txt','stopwords.txt'); @boardslist = ('.htaccess','bdindex.db','bdscats.db','gb.msg','gb.ino','Stick.txt','Messages.db'); @memberslist = ('.htaccess','1.dat','1.log','LastMem.txt','List.txt','List2.txt'); # Get the list of files to write to durring install ... WriteFiles(); # Chmod the directories ... chmod 0777, $prefs,$boards,$members,$messages,$boards,$uploaddir,$templates; chmod 0666, "$root/Settings.pl"; chmod 0755, "$root/Blah.pl"; # This might help some people ... foreach(@prefslist) { fopen(FILE,">$prefs/$_") || inst_error('Cannot write to /Prefs, please check your Settings.pl file and try again.'); print FILE $files{"$_"}; fclose(FILE); } foreach(@boardslist) { fopen(FILE,">$boards/$_") || inst_error('Cannot write to /Boards, please check your Settings.pl file and try again.'); print FILE $files{"$_"}; fclose(FILE); } foreach(@memberslist) { fopen(FILE,">$members/$_") || inst_error('Cannot write to /Members, please check your Settings.pl file and try again.'); print FILE $files{"$_"}; fclose(FILE); } fopen(SETTINGS,">$root/Settings.pl"); $savesettings = <<"EOT"; #################################################### # E-Blah Bulliten Board Systems 2006 # #################################################### # This file was created by the setup. # # # # YOU SHOULD NEVER EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND # #################################################### \$bversion = 2; # POST-SETUP Version ####### Directories Sets ####### \$root = "$root"; \$code = "$code"; \$boards = "$boards"; \$prefs = "$prefs"; \$members = "$members"; \$messages = "$messages"; \$images = "$images"; \$buttons = "$buttons"; \$simages = "$simages"; \$avsurl = "$avsurl"; \$avdir = "$avdir"; \$realurl = "$FORM{'realurl'}"; \$bdocsdir = "$bdocsdir"; \$languages = "$languages"; \$templates = "$templates"; \$templatesu = "$templatesu"; \$modsdir = "$modsdir"; \$bdocsdir2 = "$bdocsdir2"; \$regto = qq*$FORM{'screenname'}*; \$eadmin = q*$email*; \$cookpre = qq*$FORM{'cookpre'}*; \$mailuse = 1; \$smaill = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; \$emailsig = q*This e-mail was sent via E-Blah.*; \$maintancer = qq~This board is being upgraded.~; \$uploaddir = "$uploaddir"; \$uploadurl = "$uploadurl"; \$maxsize = "1"; \$maxsize2 = ".25"; \$upbc = 1; \$noguestp = 1; \$al = 1; \$whereis = 1; \$showmove = 1; \$apic = 1; \$hmail = 1; \$slpoller = 1; \$BCSmile = 1; \$BCLoad = 1; \$showreg = 1; \$maxsig = "500"; \$maxmess = 15; \$maxdis = 30; \$mbname = q*$FORM{'forumname'}*; \$picheight = "100"; \$picwidth = "100"; \$btod = 1; \$amar = 1; \$sauser = 1; \$mmpp = 25; \$iptimeout = 5; \$vhtdmax = 50; \$htdmax = 25; \$totalpp = 10; \$showdes = 1; \$showtheme = 1; \$sview = 1; \$showactive = 1; \$logactive = 1; \$reversesum = 1; \$languagep = "English"; \$nocomma = ','; \$polltop = 1; \$pollops = "7"; \$quickreply = 1; \$gmaxsmils = 200; \$maxmesslth = 50000; \$maxsumc = "40"; \$upevents = 7; \$disablesn = 1; \$disabledel = 1; \$eclick = 0; \$uextlog = 0; \$kelog = 0; \$logip = 0; \$logcnt = "60"; \$logdays = 365; \$activeuserslog = 15; \$newsshow = 5; \$newslength = 200; \$ensids = 0; \$menutext = 2; \$indextext = 0; \$posttext = 0; \$gdisable = 1; EOT $savesettings =~ s~\\~/~sig; # Get rid of {x}:\ with Win32 systems print SETTINGS $savesettings; fclose(SETTINGS); unlink("$root/Settings_Default.pl"); CloseSetup(); header('Installation Complete'); print <<"EOT";
    Items Completed
  • Prepared and created your user login ...
  • Create the E-Blah database ...
  • Created files needed to initialize E-Blah ...
  • Install Complete

    Your forum has been installed successfully.

    You do not need to run this install script again. You should remove Setup.pl from your server before you run E-Blah.

    Delete Setup Files and go to Your Forum
    EOT footer(); } sub Step3 { chmod 0777, "$root/$scriptname"; unlink("$root/$scriptname") || inst_error('Could not remove setup files from the server. Please remove Setup.pl manually.'); header('Setup Complete'); print <<"EOT";
    Removal Successful ...
    $scriptname has been removed from the server. It is recommended that you refresh this page to ensure it was, indeed, deleted successfully. If it was not, you should remove it via FTP before using your forum.

    Go to your Forum
    EOT footer(); } sub header { ($title) = $_[0]; print "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n"; print <<"EOT"; $title
    $version Install Sub-system
    EOT } sub footer { print <<"EOT";
    EOT exit; } sub WriteFiles { $time = time; # Prefs DIR $files{'Ranks2.txt'} = <<"EOT"; Administrator => { name = 'Administrator Group' level = '1' star = 'stype1.png' starcount = '5' color = 'red' team = '1' manager = (1) members = (1) } Moderators => { name = 'Board Moderator' level = '1' star = 'stype2.png' starcount = '5' team = '1' } 1 => { name = 'Maximum Member' star = 'stype3.png' starcount = '5' pcount = '500' } 2 => { name = 'Big Member' star = 'stype3.png' starcount = '4' pcount = '200' } 3 => { name = 'Medium Member' star = 'stype3.png' starcount = '3' pcount = '100' } 4 => { name = 'Minimum Member' star = 'stype3.png' starcount = '2' pcount = '50' } 5 => { name = 'Baby Member' star = 'stype3.png' starcount = '1' pcount = '-1' } EOT $files{'Censor.txt'} = <<"EOT"; ass|a** bitch|b**** fuck|f*** pussy|girl private pussie|girl private pussies|girls privates vagina|girl private dick|private punkass|punka** shit|mess asshole|a**hole fucker|f***er nigger|black person nigga|black person dike|d**e fag|f** faggot|f*g**t EOT $files{'News.html'} = <<"EOT"; ">
    /.gif">  ">
    " class="hr" size="1">"> ()

    EOT $files{'RTemp.txt'} = <<"EOT"; Although the moderators and administrator of this forum try their best to keep this forum free of any offensive content, there may be small, isolated incidents in which it is posted, and you as a user, accesses it. While we will try to remove such content before it is accessed by you or other users, it is impossible for us to keep track on each message posted on this forum at every moment of the day. If such content is posted, we will either edit or remove the post, and the appropriate action will be taken towards the user. You, therefore, acknowledge that all material posted on these forums express the views and opinions of the user which made the post and not the administrators, moderators, or system administrator (unless the posts are made by these people); therefore we cannot, and will not be held liable for such content that is posted on these forums.

    Upon registering, you agree to never use this forum for any vulgar, false, sexually oriented, threatening, obscene, abusive, hateful, libelous, or anything that violates ANY acceptable laws; and you also agree to never hack, or attempt to hack into any area of this forum. You also agree never to post any copyrighted material, which you do not expressly own the copyright to, or that you do not have the authorization to use. Advertisements, spam (or useless information posted often), solicitation, and chain letters ARE NOT allowed on this forum. Failure to abide by these terms will subject your account to an immediate and permanent banning from our forum, and, depending on the severity of the incident, we may contact your internet service provider (ISP). For this reason, your IP address is logged each time you post a message, login or logout of the forum and each click is logged for a certain amount of time. This information will be expressly used to assist us if there are any attempts to hack into certain areas of this forum and may be used to contact your ISP upon breaking this agreement.

    We agree to never sell or disclose any private information that you submit to us. Once you have successfully registered, you will be given a public profile, which allows everyone to see the various information that you submit to us; however, you are not required to disclose any of this information. You will be allowed to privatize certain information (such as your e-mail address), and you are not obligated to provide us with any personal information, which includes but is not limited to your gender, birth date, and name. While we agree never to sell any information, you provide to us, we will not be held responsible for any information that may be compromised by someone whom may hack into your account. It is highly recommended you use a password that is longer than six (6) characters and is a combination of letters and numbers. If your account has been hacked into, notify the system administrator immediately and we will look further into the matter, and adequate punishment will be given.

    This forum system uses two methods of logging in, cookies and session identification (SID). If you use cookies to login, the forum will save your username, encrypted password, and board passwords to your computer in the form of a "Cookie". The other method, session identification, will store your current session on this server using your IP address, username, encrypted password, and any board passwords you may use while using your session. If you use session identification, you will be logged out after three (3) hours of inactivity.

    By clicking register below, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions as long as you hold this username and failure to do so may result in severe consequences. EOT if($FORM{'theme'} eq '') { $FORM{'theme'} = 'X'; } $THEME{$FORM{'theme'}} = 1; $files{'ThemesList.txt'} = <<"EOT"; X2|$THEME{'X2'} EOT $files{'Smilies.html'} = <<"EOT"; <blah v="$title"> //template.css" />

    EOT # Boards DIR $files{'bdindex.db'} = <<"EOT"; gb/Chit chat about anything.//General Discussion/guest,validating,member/member,guest,validating/guest,validating,member////guest,member,validating//guest,member,validating///validating,guest,member/ EOT $files{'bdscats.db'} = <<"EOT"; General Boards|gc|member,guest,validating|gb EOT # Members DIR $files{'1.dat'} = <<"EOT"; password = |$FORM{'pw'}| sn = |$FORM{'screenname'}| email = |$email| posts = |0| registered = |$time| timezone = |0| dateformat = |0| timeformat = |0| lastactive = |$time| EOT $files{'LastMem.txt'} = <<"EOT"; 1 1 EOT $files{'List.txt'} = "1\n"; $files{'List2.txt'} = "1|$FORM{'screenname'}|0|$time||$email|\n"; $files{'.htaccess'} = "deny from all\n"; $files{'MessageIcons.txt'} = <<"EOT"; |lamp.png|Lamp |question.png|Question |news.png|News |thumbup.png|Thumb Up |thumbdown.png|Thumb Down |ban.png|X |smiley.png|Smiley |angry.png|Angry |lol.png|Laughing Out Loud |open_thread.png|Folder |warning.png|Warning EOT $files{'stopwords.txt'} = <<"EOT"; a able about above according accordingly across actually after afterwards again against ain't all allow allows almost alone along already also although always am among amongst an and another any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anyways anywhere apart appear appreciate appropriate are aren't around as aside ask asking associated at available away awfully be became because become becomes becoming been before beforehand behind being believe below beside besides best better between beyond both brief but by c'mon c's came can can't cannot cant cause causes certain certainly changes clearly co com come comes concerning consequently consider considering contain containing contains corresponding could couldn't course currently definitely described despite did didn't different do does doesn't doing don't done down downwards during each edu eg eight either else elsewhere enough entirely especially et etc even ever every everybody everyone everything everywhere ex exactly example except far few fifth first five followed following follows for former formerly forth four from further furthermore get gets getting given gives go goes going gone got gotten greetings had hadn't happens hardly has hasn't have haven't having he he's hello help hence her here here's hereafter hereby herein hereupon hers herself hi him himself his hither hopefully how howbeit however i'd i'll i'm i've ie if ignored immediate in inasmuch inc indeed indicate indicated indicates inner insofar instead into inward is isn't it it'd it'll it's its itself just keep keeps kept know knows known last lately later latter latterly least less lest let let's like liked likely little look looking looks ltd mainly many may maybe me mean meanwhile merely might more moreover most mostly much must my myself name namely nd near nearly necessary need needs neither never nevertheless new next nine no nobody non none noone nor normally not nothing novel now nowhere obviously of off often oh ok okay old on once one ones only onto or other others otherwise ought our ours ourselves out outside over overall own particular particularly per perhaps placed please plus possible presumably probably provides que quite qv rather rd re really reasonably regarding regardless regards relatively respectively right said same saw say saying says second secondly see seeing seem seemed seeming seems seen self selves sensible sent serious seriously seven several shall she should shouldn't since six so some somebody somehow someone something sometime sometimes somewhat somewhere soon sorry specified specify specifying still sub such sup sure t's take taken tell tends th than thank thanks thanx that that's thats the their theirs them themselves then thence there there's thereafter thereby therefore therein theres thereupon these they they'd they'll they're they've think third this thorough thoroughly those though three through throughout thru thus to together too took toward towards tried tries truly try trying twice two un under unfortunately unless unlikely until unto up upon us use used useful uses using usually value various very via viz vs want wants was wasn't way we we'd we'll we're we've welcome well went were weren't what what's whatever when whence whenever where where's whereafter whereas whereby wherein whereupon wherever whether which while whither who who's whoever whole whom whose why will willing wish with within without won't wonder would would wouldn't yes yet you you'd you'll you're you've your yours yourself yourselves zero EOT } sub Language { # Future: Language selector? Maybe. Prolly not soon. 1; } sub error { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "There was an error with part of the E-Blah system core (incorrect directory specified and/or incomplete file upload, perhaps?). $!"; return(0); } 1;